How to Date Globe Wernicke Bookcase as an Antique Furniture Piece for Interior

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globe wernicke bookcase catalog ,globe wernicke bookcase parts ,globe-wernicke sectional bookcase pattern 811 1

If you are a bookworm who will not spend any day without books, you may ever ask about how to date Globe Wernicke bookcase? Well, in fact, to store the precious collections, you need to employ the sturdies and versatile bookcase. When it comes to high quality bookcase choices, Globe Wernicke is an option to put into your list. The manufacturer has been providing quality bookcase for centuries. Even until now, Globe Wernicke remains the reference for everyone looking for antique and valuable bookcase. Apart from the fact that many antique choices are available, you can choose various options today.

Globe Wernicke itself is known as manufacturer that crafts high quality bookcase from sturdy materials such as mahogany and oak. This is the reason why the bookcase lasts for years; sometimes it turns into antique collections. You can even find bookcase from hundred years ago. How do you know the bookcase was really made hundred years ago? This is why you should know how to date Globe Wernicke bookcase.

globe wernicke bookcase catalog ,globe wernicke bookcase parts ,globe-wernicke sectional bookcase pattern 811 2

Pay attention to each piece and you will find the label. This label helps you determine which date the furniture was manufactured. Globe Wernicke uses different label for every piece according to the production date. Older label has different design from the later Globe Wernicke label. There are also Art Mission label, stenciled pattern and Mission label. The label contains some information including type, materials, pattern, and grade. Pay attention to the information of the label to know how to date Wernicke bookcase.

Do you need some clue to understand the GW label? Starting from the furniture type, furniture piece with 114 ½ on the label means the bookcase is included into Economy or Standard series. The other code that you may find on the label gives you information about the materials. 197 stands for plain oak with weathered finished and brass oxidized. Meanwhile, 198 stands for plain oak with fine medium gloss finish that is available by 1899.

The label also gives you information about furniture series. Bookcase with 3025 ½ and 3098 ½ code means it is included into later Universal series. Meanwhile, economy series uses 3298 ½ and 3300 series uses 3815 ½ code. Just visit the antique furniture store near your home and take the best bookcase your collections deserve. Now, after knowing how to date Globe Wernicke bookcase, you do not only collect priceless book, but also valuable antique bookcase!

One Reply to “How to Date Globe Wernicke Bookcase as an Antique…”

  1. Thank you. I have a combination GW 809 and 811, 298 1/2. I would like to restore. Thank you.

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