Natural Drain Unclogger Tricks with Baking Soda to Deal with the Clogged Drain

1 min read

Natural Drain Unclogger Tricks with Baking Soda to Deal with the Clogged Drain

Wondering what ingredients you can have as natural drain unclogger? Are you having some water pooling on your drain and you are confused on what to do? Dear, you are not alone. Since you should not let the problem stay for too long, you can rely on these ingredients as your first aid before calling your plumber fellow.

There are various natural homemade drain uncloggers you can work with your problematic drain. These ingredients usually come in a duet – meaning it takes at least two ingredients before it successfully unclog the drain. As for this article, we’ll use an ingredient that is commonly used to make breads or other pastry products: baking soda.

Baking soda and vinegar

Combined with vinegar, these ingredients will make a base + acid unclogger solution for your drain. All you need is to have 0.5 cup of baking soda, followed by the same amount of vinegar as well. Then, pour the baking soda first to your drain, and then followed with the acidic solution.

While waiting for an hour or more, prepare a jar of hot, boiling water. Don’t flush the drain yet before the clock passes the mentioned duration. If necessary, you may repeat the whole process.


Baking soda and lemon juice

Aside from making lemon juice as your daily healthy juice, you can rely on lemon juice as your natural drain unclogger as well – combined with our starring ingredients: baking soda. How to combine these ingredients so that they can work well to unclog the drain?

Similar to preparing the ingredients in point #1, you need to prepare the same amount of lemon juice as well as baking soda. Onto your drain, pour 0.5 cup pf baking soda first before letting the same amount of lemon juice run to your drain. Plug your drain and wait for an hour or more.

Also, during the waiting moment, you can boil a jar of water to flush the unclogger ingredients. As a final step, you may flush the drain using boiling water to get rid of the plaque on your drain.


Baking soda and salt

A bit different to the previous two, for these ingredients, you need to mix the ingredients altogether before pouring it onto your drain. The amount used for each ingredient is the same: 0.5 cup. You may use more if you think your drain has tough plaques.

However, unlike the previous ingredients, you need to wait longer time. It is advised that you wait for several hours or if you got a tough drain, you may leave the ingredients overnight.

So those are three drain uncloggers ‘recipe’ that you can use to fix your problematic drain. Although calling a plumber is more effective, there’s nothing wrong by trying any of these natural drain unclogger ‘recipe’, isn’t it?


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