Don’t worry about any difficulty and expensive cost you have to spend to restain hardwood floors. Many people have proven their DIY projects to make their hardwood floors stunning again. Truth is that hardwood floors are quite expensive and durable. But due to constant use, they will lose their natural shine. If your goal is restaining them on budget, why don’t try to do it by yourself? Actually, this process only needs several simple steps. Well, it needs a little more power than cleaning the entire house.
The first and important step to do is sanding the floor thoroughly and vacuuming it. These steps are important to remove dust and sawdust completely. Proper method will make the hardwood floors longer-lasting. Water popping is a good method which you need to mop the floor with a little water after the floor is just sanded and before restaining. Applying the stain using sponge is a proper method to restain hardwood floors. It will give better coverage to the whole floors.
To remove excess stain, you need to wait for about 10 minutes then wipe it. The longer to allow wood soaked in stain, the darker final result will be. Though it seems easy to restain hardwood floors, it needs patience, especially waiting the stain completely dry before brushing on polyurethane for coat.