Sengon Tekik Wood as the Best Wood for Light-Weighted Furniture

1 min read

Sengon Tekik wood

Sengon Tekik wood is one of the best materials for making furniture and preferred by a lot of manufacturers. When the Sengon Tekik tree is planted in regions with the appropriate climate, it can grow rapidly. At the age of 9 to 16 years, this kind of tree will look shorter than the other type of trees. Because of the reason itself, Sengon Tekik becomes one of the most planted woods by farmers.

The tree is popularly planted in Southern China, Indonesia, and India. It actually has a number of subtypes that can be easily differentiated from one to another. Although this type of tree becomes increasingly exposed in the US markets, many people still doubt the quality of this tree when it is used to make furniture. Besides Sengon Tekik tree, there are still three different types of Sengon that is vital to get to know.

Sengon Buto

Sengon Buto

Local people identify this Enterolobium Cyclocarpum as Sengon Buto. In Indonesian language, Buto means giant. The reason why it is being called like that because Sengon Buto tree can grow rapidly until it reaches 30 meters.

Even so, Sengon Buto is rarely used to make furniture. Just fewer tree farmer that still cultivating this tree because of its low density. It’s quite reasonable because of its quick growth. Therefore, furniture from this wood tends to break easily.

Sengon Laut

Sengon Laut

Actually, Sengon Laut is not categorized as Sengon tree. Because of its similarity, local people call this wood as Sengon Laut. Just like Sengon Buto, it has tall wood with white skin. In terms of sturdiness, it’s sturdier than Sengon Tekik wood.

Sengon Laut wood doesn’t take a lot of time to dry and can be cut easily. However, the drying process tends to make the Sengon Laut wood twisted.

Sengon Solomon

Sengon Solomon

Sengon Solomon is that type of sengon tree that can grow in a dry area. After around seven years, Sengon Solomon can already be harvested, and it’s faster than the other type of sengon. Even though the wood is not that sturdy than the other wood, many people still cultivate it.

Sengon Tekik

Sengon Tekik

Sengon Tekik is a local tree from Indonesia. So many people still use it to make furniture despite its soft grain characteristics. It’s not rare to see Sengon Tekik wood furniture because the furniture will be relatively lightweight compared to the other furniture sengon wood.

Each type of Sengon wood has its own characteristics, and many manufacturers are using this wood to make furniture. If you prefer light furniture, the one made out of Sengon Tekik wood is the best choice for you.

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