Wirecutter Bed Frame Recommendations for Those Looking for Modern-Looking Bed Frames

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Wirecutter Bed Frame Recommendations for Those Looking for Modern-Looking Bed Frames

The New York Times has just recently posted the Wirecutter bed frame – an article that provides you best information regarding bed frames. On that article, this section of New York Times provides several recommendations, including one with cheap price, to those with hefty bucks to spend. All of the recommended pieces are looking modern, and that should be perfect to make your house feel as home.

If you are currently seeking for bed frame, that would be great to read Wirecutter bed frames recommendation. Their article provides a thorough explanation about which product should be chosen for your comfort at home.

But if you are too curious that it makes you lazy to navigate to their website, don’t worry. Here are three bed frame recommendation that you can also find on their list.

BenchMade Modern Fat Bed

The team behind Wirecutter said that assembling the piece is as easy as assembling kid’s to. It means everyone can do it for less than an hour.

The price may be above average, given that you need to pay $1,700 to get this Wirecutter bed frame recommendation. But if you are seeking for a bed frame that looks simple yet cute in color, with a wide array of customization available, here’s the nice bed for you.

Aside from that, you can expect the bed to have headboard and footrest—two things of which cannot be found in any modern bed frames. Plus, their bed frame offers a strong support for the mattress, which is good for the longevity of your bed.


Thuma the Bed

It’s not New York Times if they cannot provide great variety of options for its readers. The second bed frame recommendation from Wirecutter is Thuma the Bed—a simple and cost-effective bed frame for anyone that is head over heels for a simple bed.

This bed frame comes with a simple design and affordable price. No need to spend hours to assemble the package, all you need is a solid less-than-an-hour free time to make the pieces come into one minimalist bed frame.

With less than 900 bucks to spend, this option offers a strong bed which can be used to sleep for years to come. Sounds nice, doesn’t it?


Article Tessu

The name is considerably weird, but you should not look down on the quality of it. It is budget friendly piece to have, with lovely modern design that goes great for minimalist people. It has no footrest, but it has a low headboard where you can lean your pillow on it.

Currently at $750, grab this bed frame if you are looking for a handsome piece for bed frames. However, if you are working alone, assembling it can be an ordeal.

So, those are three bed frames recommendation which you can get from NYTimes’ Wirecutter. For more information, you can simply go to their Wirecutter bed frame page.

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